JSON To apex

Requirement:  Convert json Into Apex Wrapper Class

Some times we need to convert json into apex code to perform some operation or to get data available in apex .

So It is quiet simple you need to just use JSON.deserialize method  to convert json into wrapper. you can use JSON.deserialize to convert json into any type you want.

Here is the wrapper class to which we convert  our json

public class jsonWrapper
public List<List<String>> rows; // here rows is the name of field in json  this variable should be 
                                              taken as the same name youwant to convert field into wrapper 

// this is json which is to be converted into apex code or wrapper class

string jsonstring = ‘{“totalsForAllResults”: {“ga:users”: “2”}, “rows”:[[“San Francisco”,”358″,”375″],[“San Jose”,”358″,”375″],[“Mid Peninsula”,”358″,”375″],[“Greater Bay”,”358″,”375″],[“Los Angeles”,”358″,”375″]]}’


// now we convert json string into wrapper class using JSON.deserialize method 

jsonWrapper Jsondatawrapper = (jsonWrapper)JSON.deserialize(jsonstring,jsonWrapper.class);

// you can use your data according to your need 

for(List<String> str: Jsondatawrapper.rows)
system.debug( Integer.valueof(str[1]));

NOTE: You can convert  json into any type  like : list, string , integer . Its all depend on the format in which data is available in json . here i used wrapper and get  rows from json and rows are in the form of   List<list>  so i take my wrapper variable name type  as List<list> .</list</list

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By Himanshu Rana

My Name is Himanshu Rana, 23 Years young, born and grow up in Ghaziabad, India. A High Spirited Salesforce Admin, Developer and a Blogger. I currently work at Wakencode Technologies,

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