Below are the top SALESFORCE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS asked by companies . These questions are entry level asked by companies to the Candidates . For details please go to trailhead to enhance your knowledge.
1.What is Cloud computing?
Cloud computing is the delivery of hosted services like Server, Network, Database, Storage and more over the internet. Companies offering these computing services are called cloud service providers and typically charge for cloud computing services based on usage.
There are three type of clouds are as follow:
- Public cloud
- Private cloud
- Hybrid cloud
2.What is Salesforce?
Salesforce is a cloud based CRM system that allow a sales person to track their sales, supports to track their cases and employees to collaborate with each other. Salesforce allow an organization to connect with their customers and build more and lasting relationship. Salesforce better understand organization need, identify new opportunity to help and address any problem faster.
3.Difference between and is PaaS(Platform as a Service) whereas is SaaS(Software as a Service).
PaaS provide platform and environment to allow developers to build applications and provide services over the internet. Like IaaS it include infrastructure (Server, Storage, Networking) but also development tools, business intelligence services, DBMS and more.
SaaS provide a complete software solutions which you purchase from cloud service provider. Organization pay rent for the use of an app and your user connect to it over the internet. It is a method of delivering software over the internet.
4.What is object?
Object are database table that allows you to store data specific to organization in salesforce.
There are two types of objects are as follow:
- Standard object
- Custom object
Standard object:
Standard object is prebuilt object provided by For example Account, Contact, Lead, Opportunity all this are Standard objects.
Custom object:
Object created by developer according to their need in any organization is called custom object. Custom object have properties like Custom field, Relationship to other object, Page layout and Custom user interface tab.
5.What is tab?
Tab is user interface to create records for objects and to view the records in objects. There are three types of tab are as follow:
- Custom object tab
- Web tab
- Visualforce tab
6.Types of Relationship between objects.
Basically there are three type of relationship between objects are as follow:
- Look-up relationship
- Master-detail relationship
- Many to many relationship
Look-up relationship:
Look-up relationship link two objects together, but has no effect on deletion and security.
Master-detail relationship:
Master-detail relationship is a Parent-child relationship in which when a record of master object deleted, its related detail record are also deleted.
Many to many relationship:
Many to many relationship allows each record of one object to be linked to multiple record from other object and vice versa.
7.How much relationship are possible in Master-detail and Look-up relationship?
In Master-detail relationship 2 and in Look-up relationship 20.
8.what is Junction Object?
Junction object are used to create many to many relationship between objects. A junction object is custom object with two master detail relationship.
9.Validation in Salesforce.
Validation verify that the data a user enters in a record meet the standards you specify befor the user can save the record. Validation rule can contain a formula or expression that evaluate the data in one or more fields and return a value of “True” or “False”. It also include an error message.
Functions in validation:
10.Use of Regex function validation.
Regex function is used to specify a format that entries should be entered in so that if they are not an error can be thrown.
Example: For DD/MM (Date format)
NOT(REGEX(Birth_Date__C,”(0[1-9]|[12][ 0-9]|3[01])[-1.](0[1-9]|1[012])”))
11.What is Roll-up Summary?
It calculate values from a set of related records, such as those in related list. You can create roll-up summary field that automatically display a value on master record based on the values of record in a detail record. These detail record must be directly related to the master through a master-detail relationship.
The roll-up summary field is basically of four types ar as follow:
- Count
- Sum
- Min
- Max
12.What is Cascading delete?
In Master-detail or in Parent-child relationship when we delete master or parent object, detail or child object are automatically deleted. This type of deletion are called cascading delete.
13.Define Workflow, Process Builder, Approval Process, Flow.
Workflow is an automated process that fired an action based on evaluation criteria and rule criteria. Work flow automates following types of action-
- Task assign
- Email alert
- Field update
- Outbound message
Process Builder:
Process builder is advanced version of workflow. Process builder is used to avoid multiple use of workflow because one workflow can have only one condition and criteria action but one process builder can have multiple If/Else conditions. Process builder allow you to update child record whereas work flow does not. Process builder automate following type of action-
- Create a record
- Launch flow
- Send Email
- Call Apex class
Approval Process:
It is an automated process your organization can use to approve records in salesforce. Approval process is a combination of steps for a record to be approved and a person has to approve it each step. A step is apply to all the records to that object or just record that meet the certain criteria.
An application that automates a process by collecting, updating, editing and creating salesforce data. Flows can execute logic, interact with the salesforce database, call Apex classes and guide user through screen for collecting and updating data.
14.Difference between Workflow and Process Builder.
Refer to Question No. 13
15.Workflow rule and evaluation criteria.
Workflow rule criteria:
Workflow rule are set of instructions specify the criteria for when the workflow should be activated
Workflow evaluation criteria:
- When record is created.
- When record is created and every time it’s edited.
- When record is created and any time it’s edited to meet the criteria.
- Difference between “record is created and edited” and “record is created and every time it is edited when meet the criteria” in workflow evaluation criteria.
17.What is Report?
A report is a list of record that meet the criteria we define and it is display in row and column or we can say in tabular form. Every report stored in a folder, folder can be Public, hidden or shared. We can control who can access the content of folder based on role, permission, public group and license type.
Types of report-
- Tabular report
- Summary report
- Matrix report
- Joined report
Tabular report:
We can only display grand total in table form.
Summary report:
It is detail form of reports in which grouping is done based on columns. It allows grouping of rows of data.
Matrix report:
This is the most complex and detail form of reports in which grouping is done based on rows and columns.
Joined report:
We can join two or more reports in a single report display in form of blocks.
18.What is Dashboard?
Dashboard is graphical representation of reports. It can be generated for summary and matrix reports. It display data as per last time report was run and it has 20 components.
Types of Dashboard-
- Chart
- Table
- Metric
- Gauge
19.What is Data Security?
In Data security you can control which user have to access to which data in your whole organization, a specific object, a specific field or an individual records.
Types of data security level:
- Organization level security
- Object level security
- Field level security
- Record level security
Organization level security:
For your whole organization, you can maintain a list of authorized users, set password policies and limit login to certain hours and locations.
Object level security:
You can prevent a group of users from creating, viewing, editing or deleting any record of that objects. For example-
You can use object permission to ensure that Interviewer can view position and job application but not edit or delete them.
Field level security:
You can restrict access of certain field, even if a user can access to the object. For example-
You can make a salary field in a position object invisible to Interviewer but visible to hiring manager and recruiter.
Record level security:
You can allow a particular user to access the object, but then restrict the individual object records they are allow to see. For example-
An interviewer can see and edit their own review, but not the reviews of other Interviewers.
You can manage record level access in following four ways–
- OWD(Organization Wide Default)
- Role Hierarchy
- Sharing rule
- Manual Sharing
OWD sharing setting give you a base line level of access for each object and enable you to extend that level of access using hierarchy and sharing rule. Organizational Wide Defaults are used to restrict access.
There are four levels of access that can be set:
- Public Read/Write/Transfer(only available for leads and cases)
- Public Read/Write
- Public Read only
- Private
Role Hierarchy:
A role hierarchy represents a level of data access that a user or group of users needs. Users assigned to roles near the top of the hierarchy (normally the CEO, executives, and other management) get to access the data of all the users who fall directly below them in the hierarchy.
Sharing rule:
Manual sharing:
Manual sharing is sharing via a button on the record. This is only available to the record owner or users above that user in the hierarchy. For example-
If the record is only visible by me as the owner but I need to give access to someone else to review the opportunity for example, I can grant them access using this button.
20.What is Visualforce?
Visualforce is the component based user interface framework for the The framework include tag based markup language, similar to HTML.Visualforce use the traditional MVC(Model View Controller) paradism with the option to use auto generated controllers for database objects provide simple and right integration. You can write your own controller, or extension to controller using Apex code. It has 100 built in component and mechanism whereby developer can create their own component.
21.Define Visualforce tag Action support, Action function, Action pooler, Repeat, Table.
Action support:
Action support add AJAX support to other component. Action support allow the component to call a controller method directly when a particular event occour. For example- OnClick, OnBlur etc.
Action function:
Action function call a controller method with the help of Javascript method when any event occour. Action support first call Javascript method then Javascript method call controller method.
Action poller:
Action poller is a timer that send AJAX request to the server according to time interval that you specify. Each request can result in a full or partial page update. An <apex: action poller> must be within the region it acts upon.
An itteration component that allow you to output the content of acollection according to a structure that you specify. The collection can include upto 1000 items.
22.What is Apex trigger?
Apex trigger enable you to perform custom action before or after event to records in Salesforce, such as Insert, Update and Delete. Apex trigger perform opration based on specific condition, to modify related records or restrict certain oprations from happening.
Event perform by Apex trigger:
- Before Insert
- Before Update
- Before Delete
- After Insert
- After Update
- After Delete
- After Undelete
Types of trigger:
- Before trigger
- After trigger
Before trigger: Update or validate record values before they are saved to database.
After trigger: After trigger are used to access field values that are set by the system, and effect changes in other records.
Trigger triggerName on objectName (triggerEvent)
Code Block
23.What is context variable in Apex trigger?
To access the record that are caused the trigger to fire , use context variable. Trigger can fire when one record is inserted or when many records are inserted in bulk via API or Apex.
Trigger.New– It contains all the records that were inserted in insert or update trigger .
Trigger.Old– It’s provide the old version of Objects before they were updated in update trigger
List of different context variable:
- isExecuting
- isInsert
- isUpdate
- isDelete
- isBefore
- isAfter
- isUndelete
- new
- newMap
- old
- oldMap
- size
24.What is Apex?
Apex is a programing language that uses java like syntax. Apex allow developer to add bussiness logic to system events, such as ButtonClick, Updates of related record and Visualforce pages. It is a developent platform for building SaaS application on top of’s CRM fuctionality. Apex include API that developer can use to access user data on
Apex platform consist of three tools:
- Apex Builder- It is an on-demand component that allows easy,drag and drop customisation with a limited set of features.
- Apex API- It is a method of retreiving raw data from server.
- Apex Code- It is fully featured programming language that is executed on’s server. It is built in method for accessing user data.
25.Collections in Apex.
- List
- Set
- Map
List- List holds an order collection of objects. You can add elements to a list when creating the list or after creating the list by calling the add( ) method.
list<string>colors = new list<string>();
string[]color = new list<string>();
Set- A set is an unordered collection of objects that doesn’t contain any duplicate values.
set<string>s = new set<string>();
Map- It is a collection of key-value pairs, where the key are primitive data type. Use map when you want to store values that are to be referenced through a key.
Map<integer,string> empAdd =new map<integer,string>();
26.What is SOSL and SOQL?
SOSL: SOSL(Salesforce Object Search Language) API isused to search you organization’s salesforce data.
SOQL: SOQL(Salesforce Object Query Language) is used to built custom UI for salesforce.
27.Diffrence between SOSL and SOQL.
SOSL is used to search your organization’s salesforce data. | SOQL is used to built custom UI for salesforce. |
Using SOSL we can search on many object at atime. | Using SOQL we search only on one object at a time. |
We can query on field whose data type is text, phone and email. | We can query on fields of any data types. |
We can use SOSL in class but not in trigger. | We can use SOQL in triggers and class. |
We can not perform DML operation on search result. | We can perform DML operation on query result. |
28.What is Apex controller?
29.Types of Apex controller.
There are three types of Apex controller-
- Standard controller
- Custom controller
- Extension controller
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Thanks it is very useful.
Good afternoon. Thanks for this info! Love your blog!.
Hello. Thanks a lot! Excellent article.