In This post I will show you how you can show multiselect picklist value as a checkbox on visualforce pages.
So We have two multiselect Picklist values on contact object name of the picklist are :
- Interested_Categories__c
- Interested_Areas__c
So here in our visualforce page we are showing two multiselect picklist fields as a checkboxes.
The name of the multiselect picklist are Interested categories and Interested areas .
visualforce page code :
<apex:page Controller="ConvertPicklistController" standardStylesheets="false" sidebar="false" showHeader="false"> <div class="main"> <apex:pageBlock > <div class="content" id="content"> <div class="frame"> <!-- Interested categories is the multiselect picklist in salesforce -- > <h4 class="perferred1"> Interested Categories</h4> <div id="checkboxlist"> <apex:form id="theFm" > <apex:selectcheckboxes layout="pageDirection" value="{!ICItems}" label="" id="checkbox1"> <apex:selectoptions value="{!ICOptions}"> </apex:selectoptions> </apex:selectcheckboxes> </apex:form> </div> <!-- Interested Areas is the multiselect picklist in salesforce -- > <h4 class="perferred2"> Interested Areas</h4> <div id="checkboxlist2" style="margin-right: 12%;"> <apex:form id="theFm1" > <apex:selectcheckboxes layout="pageDirection" value="{!IAItems}" label="" id="checkbox1"> <apex:selectoptions value="{!IAOptions}" > </apex:selectoptions> </apex:selectcheckboxes> </apex:form> </div> </div> </div> </apex:pageBlock> </div> </apex:page>
Apex Controller : Here is the controller class named ConvertPicklistController
public class ConvertPicklistController { public ConvertPicklistController() { } //get the multi-select pick list values for Interested categories public List<SelectOption> ICOptions { get { List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>(); for( Schema.PicklistEntry f :Contact.Interested_Categories__c.getDescribe().getPicklistValues()) { options.add(new SelectOption(f.getValue(), f.getLabel())); } return options; } set; } //get and set the multi-select pick list as checkboxes for Interested categories public String[] ICItems { get { String[] selected = new List<String>(); List<SelectOption> sos = this.ICOptions; for(SelectOption s : sos) { if (this.cnn.Interested_Categories__c !=null && this.cnn.Interested_Categories__c.contains(s.getValue())) selected.add(s.getValue()); } return selected; } public set { String selectedCheckBox = ''; for(String s : value) { if (selectedCheckBox == '') selectedCheckBox += s; else selectedCheckBox += ';' + s; } system.debug('value of selectedcheckBox is @@@@@'+selectedCheckBox); cnn.Interested_Categories__c = selectedCheckBox; } } //get the multi-select pick list values for Interested Areas public List<SelectOption> IAOptions { get { List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>(); for( Schema.PicklistEntry f :Contact.Interested_Areas__c.getDescribe().getPicklistValues()) { options.add(new SelectOption(f.getValue(), f.getLabel())); } return options; } set; } //get and set the multi-select pick list as checkboxes for Interested Areas public String[] IAItems { get { String[] selected = new List<String>(); List<SelectOption> sos = this.IAOptions; for(SelectOption s : sos) { if (this.cnn.Interested_Areas__c !=null && this.cnn.Interested_Areas__c.contains(s.getValue())) selected.add(s.getValue()); } return selected; }public set { String selectedCheckBox = ''; for(String s : value) { if (selectedCheckBox == '') selectedCheckBox += s; else selectedCheckBox += ';' + s; } cnn.Interested_Areas__c = selectedCheckBox; } } }
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