Hi, in this post i will explain you about Ajax Toolkit in salesforce. How and when to use Ajax toolkit.
So This post is divided into three section :
- Ajax toolkit Explaination(Defination)
- When to use ajax toolkit
- Ajax toolkit Example
- What is AJAX Toolkit
Ajax Toolkit is a JavaScript wrapper around the API . Ajax Toolkit Embed API calls and processes, such as within a Visualforce page, or custom button .Salesforce offer AJAX tool kit to run javascript and allowing user to make a connection with Salesforce and query salesforce from javascript, the data in-return can be handled in own fashion to be displayed on the page.
2 . When to use AJAX Toolkit
- AJAX Toolkit is used when you need to working with small amounts of data.
- Display or modify a single record.
- Display two or three fields from many records
- Perform one or more simple calculations, then update a record.
3. Ajax toolkit Example
Requirement : On click of custom button in contact details page call a controller function and then perform some operation on the object by using connection.js .
So to fulfill this requirement we follow the below steps :
- Create a custom button . And add this custom button to contact layout follow the steps in the image to create a custom button .
2. Write an apex class and the function that we call using sforce.apex.execute method on button click
here is the apex class example code.
global class StopOtherContacts { webservice static string updateContact(String contactid) { contact thiscontact = [select id,Client__c,accountid from contact where id =: contactid]; list<contact> contacts; //if(thisContact != null && thiscontact.accountid != null && thiscontact.Client__c != null) contacts = [select id, Lead_Status__c, Client__c from contact where Client__c =: thisContact.Client__c and accountid =: thiscontact.accountid and id!=:thiscontact.id]; if(contacts != null) { for(contact contact:contacts){ contact.Lead_Status__c = 'Not The DM'; } update contacts; } if(contacts != null) return 'True'; else return 'False'; } }
3. Now Call this class on button click by the help of sforce.execute method . write the below code snippet on javascript portion in your custom button .
{!REQUIRESCRIPT("/soap/ajax/29.0/connection.js")} {!REQUIRESCRIPT("/soap/ajax/29.0/apex.js")} var cnnId='{!Contact.Id}' var result = sforce.apex.execute("StopOtherContacts","updateContact",{contactid:cnnId}); if ( result == 'True'){ txt="Contacts Updated Successfully.\n\n"; txt+="Click OK to continue.\n\n"; alert(txt); } else { txt="There was an error on this page.\n\n"; txt+="Click OK to continue.\n\n"; alert(txt); } //sforce.debug.trace=true; window.location.reload();
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