We need to have VS Code and Salesforce CLI installed on our system.
To download VS Code –
To download Salesforce CLI –
1.After VS Code is Installed, Salesforce Extension Pack in VS Code needs to be installed.

2.Now go to view –> command Pallete (Shortcut key – Cmd/Cntrl + Shift + P)

Now Select Create Project with Manifest command.

Select Standard.

4. Enter Project Name

5. After the project was created we have something like this.

  1. Now again go to view –> command Pallete (Shortcut key – Cmd/Cntrl + Shift + P)
  2. Select Authorize an Org.

8.Choose Org Type.

9.Give Org Alias name and click enter

10.A Salesforce login window will open. Enter the credential and then you will need to allow the
permission requested as below.

11.After the Org is authorized you can see it in the left-bottom corner

12.Now in order to pull all the metadata of the org, go to Package.xml and left-click and
select SFDX: Retrieve Source in Manifest from Org

Now we can see all the apex code, LWCs, Aura etc. in force-app

And also now we can deploy code from VS Code to Salesforce Org as well.

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By Himanshu Rana

My Name is Himanshu Rana, 23 Years young, born and grow up in Ghaziabad, India. A High Spirited Salesforce Admin, Developer and a Blogger. I currently work at Wakencode Technologies,

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